Rene – Circuit Design/Layout Engineer
CMOS Digital 16x16 crossbar switch - Tools: Cadence Virtuoso
Designed a digital switch using 16:1 multiplexer and 64-bit shift register on IBM 180 nm CMOS technology
Performed DRC, LVS and parasitic extraction along with post-layout simulation for the PCB layout of the circuit
Achieved an overall speed of 22.93 GHz for the entire circuit
Datapath synchronous controller design - Tools: Altera Quartus II
Designed an ASIC using a datapath and controller to perform the Newton-Raphson equation to calculate inverse of a number
Modeled the controller using only Verilog and used schematic capture and Verilog for the datapath
Worked on block level synthesis, circuit debugging and static timing analysis on the entire design
CMOS DC-DC boost converter - Tools: Cadence Virtuoso
Designed and simulated a DC-DC converter using boost topology which increases a low input dc voltage to a high dc voltage
Utilized the analog design environment on Cadence to run transient and dc simulations on multiple nodes of the circuit
Obtained a dc output of 1.5 V for a dc input of 0.8 V using TSMC 130 nm CMOS technology
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering